Healthy fats do NOT make you fat, in fact, the opposite

We NEED healthy fats for hormones, brain function and fat soluble vitamins to absorb. But people are afraid to eat healthy fats and oils because they think it will make them fat. In fact the opposite is usually the case! How is this possible? High fat foods like nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut oil and olive oil are high calorie foods! Here’s where the wonder of foods from nature comes into play as compared to unhealthy refined fats and oils used in almost all packaged foods and restaurants. If you’re tired of being overweight, tired and inflammation, then switch your unhealthy fats and oils for healthy ones and watch what happens! You may be outright shocked by the results! Bad fats can make you fat and cause belly fat and inflammation, but healthy fats can reverse many conditions and even help with weight loss. Examples of healthy vegan plant based fats are avocados, coconuts, olive oil, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, durian fruit, olives, algae, purslane and sea buckthorn which contain high levels of omega 3 plus 6,7,9 EFA oils. Peanut butter is wonderfully healthy and eating it will not necessarily cause weight gain. We need healthy fats for proper brain function and nervous system development, creating hormones like testosterone which creates muscle and burns fat, and healthy fats are needed for the body to absorb and utilize fat soluble vitamins. Fats and oils do not make you fat if you eat the right ones and eat them responsibly. Enjoy this video!
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