Testimonials from real people to inspire you to a healthier life
Nothing inspires us to better health more than the testimonials of others and how their lives changed for the better. No matter what health challenges you may have, disease can become ease with diet and lifestyle changes. The more we hear the successes of others, the more proof we have that something works. Natural healing is not an alternative way of healing, it’s the way we are DESIGNED to heal- to live and eat the way nature intended, and to stop doing and eating things that are unnatural. Here are some inspirational testimonials to help motivate you to a healthier life.
Our health channel is full of fun, educational videos
Heal Yourself 101 book- http://www.healyourself101.com The ebook version is a free download if you don’t want the paperback
Best herbal vitamin C in the world- http://www.markusvitaminc.com
Our cookbook on morning shows all across the country https://youtu.be/JYU9z0vneoY?si=hYO7mUjl9X0SpVUY
Check out our raw vegan cookbook https//www.healthycookbook.com
Our life-changing health products https//www.markusproducts.com
Be sure to read the bestseller “The Prosperity Secret” www.prosperitysecret.com
and the pocketbook “Instructions for a New life” www.newlifebook.comhttp://www.thehealthylife.com
Check out our raw vegan cookbook https//www.healthycookbook.com
Our life-changing health products https//www.markusproducts.com
Cara’s Instagram https//www.instagram.com/iamcarabrotman
Markus and Cara’s Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/markusandcara
About Markus Rothkranz https://youtu.be/FsDLn9ySY9w
Celebrities that ate at Cara Brotman’s Raw Vegan Restaurant https://youtu.be/8aEbvwevV4s
the Photography Channel MarkusPix on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/markuspix
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